Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Testing Transparency with the TEST Act

A quick update on my last post regarding the enormously controversial -- but completely unmentioned -- requirement to publicly report all versions of clinical trial protocols on The New England Journal of Medicine has weighed in with an editorial strongly in support of the TEST Act. 

NEJM Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Drazen at least mentions the supporting documents requirement, but only in part of one sentence, where he confusingly refers to the act "extending results reporting to include the deposition of consent and protocol documents approved by institutional review boards." The word "deposition" does not suggest actual publication, which the act clearly requires. 

I don't think this qualifies as an improvement in transparency about the impact the TEST Act, as written, would have. I'm not surprised when a trade publication like Center Watch recycles a press release into a news item. However, it wouldn't seem like too much to ask that NEJM editorials aspire to a moderately higher standard of critical inquiry.

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